When did you get god? :O Gratz.
Thanksssssss. <3
Calm down. I have a god rank and I am not whining.
O gawd, its the end....
"Grammer mistakes" That makes me cringe. Grammar*
What gamemodes do you play on? And whats your ign?
IGN: HeyItsAlan (Optional) Anything in particular you want: Nothing. (Optional) Anything you want changed out of your skin: Nothing. I am...
Could you make an avatar like that for me pls? Thanks.
Heyyyyy, are you that guy I met at prison. :D
Yay, you're back.
You shouldn't be talking.... LOL
I subscribeeedddddd. My youtube channel. :3
Good friends: @Proskillz67 @TheInsaneManiac (Pokemaniac01) @TADS4 @CAMILOMF @finchkitty @Mookiezzx @lukey_luke Amazing builder: ....
Are you dead?
Pokemaniac01. I miss that guy. :/