lol who would make the book shelves lik that ? like is dis stoopid ? and the ladders i mean design ? quite stupid dont u think
some bookshelfs are missing in pic 1 and please fix the ladders whats the use of the ladders at the left and right lol replace the balance signs...
i saw that happen lol [MEDIA] i mean just look at this lolol !
Lol so like those of you who play oppvp will know that they added a new anti cheat which is being bypassed by free clients, Each time someone...
i got 2 xp bottles from my previous 4 crates lol help
fun fact: humans eat 1 - 3 spiders in a year while they are asleep :) have a good sleep !
lol thought they ignored my last thread and locked it u can lock this now
whats the use of adding balance signs in shops ? we got /bal why not add dispose signs since we cant drop items ? i mean come on shouldnt u have...
good meme btw
my nephew is more smart than ur staff since dropping items in spawn is disabled instead of adding a disposal sign u add a balance sign are u...
if u wanna no support leave a reason dickhead
u need to fix ur fkin anti cheat u guys do 1 thing but do it soo ing wrong wanna know wahts the ing suggestion ? get rid of ur anti...
fix your ing anti cheat all meanwhile hackers are going at speed 10
plz add disposal sign ty<3 plz make it so we can bow boost while friendly fire is off in op pvp IN GUILDS yo mind keeping a 15 min cool down for...
i would have done that if any mods were on most mods were o n2 days ago lol
pastel u suck
Support ! best mod tbh
can any mod get on op pvp its FILLED with HACKERS
oh trust me , i have a video of like 20% of the videos combined , had to use hand break to make their sizes small :) .
Yeah, awesome! Let's ban these players without evidence. Or even better... sit around all day waiting for them to show up! Whoop whoop! didn't...