@WhiteZone Wait SERIOUSLY 23 mods?!??!?!??! What happened
so iv been gone for a while. Cant play anymore because my computer broke. How many moderators are on here now? lol
Thanks everyone
most of you guys dont know me. But I am leaving the server for a while. Its just for family problems. Good bye.
4/20 is almost over. But the weed isnt
All i see is moderator applications. WTF happened to old mineverse
imma make a map, on creative
I did
@Noobcrew @NubCrew
SO my friend Navataru has hard times joining creative. He says he crashes and I bought him a ticket back to spawn , also I bought him a clear...
If i didnt say support yet... Support!!!
Omg ear rape.
You Nasty
I :lol:
Someone already did tyhat
Yep... Her name is Helen
is this part of the series? Like after Force Awakens. Cus im not the big of a star wars fan,
You look like my one friend... Wait