You're in the england timezone? makes sense... no support
I killed chqnse lol
1) IRodYouSwing 2) TeddyBearsFTWSL 3) ban evading
1) IRodYouSwing 2) TeddyBearsFTW 3) scamming [MEDIA]
Support but i think they can easily bypass it by saying "k y s" or "ky s"
1) IRodYouSwing 2) TeddyBearsFTW 3) Scamming I also have screenshots of him saying he has alts that he will put all his stuff on his alts....
No Support reasons stated.
No Support.
No Support at all (:
Support you were the best mod
Support i dont rly know you but u seem nice lol
Lol can't wait to do a clan war with you guys that will be fun :P
Support!! I hope you become a mod you will do great in that position. :D
1) IRodYouSwing 2) Ng_Cola and NowYourMad 3) hacking [MEDIA]
lol ty. i picked a good one xD
Great idea i kill many people and just have to tp other friends in to get the loot when i rly want it. Support. :D
1) IRodYouSwing 2) HunterZolomon 3) hacking [MEDIA]
Op pvp used to be a lot more popular. Lots of people are quoting because there are so many hackers on that server. I Think we need more mods on...
Not so much minecraft but certain servers are falling which is making some of the other servers more popular.
1) IRodYouSwing 2) Wolf_Beast_ 3) hacking [MEDIA]