ohh kil'em
MrParkourGuy yes i realize that he was afk and left kill aura on while he was afk
i hacked my brothers skype and r3dy told him to delete the screenshot off my laptop because he didn't want to get demoteed and i know Laura i...
i did before my brother(who is friends with r3dy) deleteted them off of my laptop
yes but why does even get a appeal he got banned for hacking with a non-laggey 720p video
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah Catching Hackers I have seen lots of hackers on mineverse...
um dude first it it doesn't have a time im pretty sure it is permanently banned and hacking is a very serious matter
ign PrattGamezYT offenders ign R3DY246 as you may have seen i talked about in discussion about a mod abusing his power in KitPVP and i found him...
ok is this all the evidence you need spooky_ghostex was caught for hacking by oniontacobean and tjenkins
I had cold, hard evidence that brendanpvp hacked he had killaura in a kitpvp server and yet he was unbanned why i thought that hacking gives you a...
1. i half and half agree noobcrew does his best to maintain the amount of awesomeness that is in mineverse.net but me and oniontacobean have...
okay first dude guess what you do not fly back instantly second you have some major freaking mental disability if you think i''m dumb enough to...
but thats what the colons are for
ok thank you for the suggetstions
How old are you: im am currently 14 Your in-game name: my in-game-name is PrattGamezYT What timezone are you in: Mountain time What country do you...