Why do people comment on CypriotMerks profile page... It's not like he is gonna answer back...
Oh lol its a typo :/ [Edit] Thank You I have corrected it...
6th This is good news :D
Might do one for OPPrison :D
Umm your not the first to suggest these things and you wont be the last... But I support
Erm... whats the command/ how do you give money?
And I'm just about to start D:
@WolfWhispers This song if for your status :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0
Umm can you act pay money on skywars??
So I logged onto OPPrison and I see Monalbair bullying a guy called Oskar_HC and he was also repeating the same message again and again (...
I would think Mini Games... If you could come up with a totally new mini game it would help your server a lot... Also, I have come across an...
Thank you for your feedback
Well the addition on prison shows that it works and it could be done so there are no significant bugs....
Specify please...
How can I make it fairer for both humans and zombies?
Haha lol my bad... Ill edit it now...
Yum... *mouth waters* Paranormal Pizzas