<3 but the Mineverse name is cut off which bothers me...
Insurgent or the classic Inception ;D
No Support I believe /fix is one of the commands that makes God a good rank
Glad to hear that :D I hate Jungle so much that I quit infection every time it comes up as the next map XD
Just switch to enjin ;P Even though enjin is rubbish...
I would prefer the map just being removed and replaced with a new map This would make work so much easier than making new plugins that stops...
Support! I think this should make some people think twice before trying to scam someone Like, for example, I got scammed $45 but getting banned...
No Support These people got banned for a reason and if they want to get unbanned then I suggest they make an appeal
Support :D Seen you in game and I think you will make a formidable moderator :D Just add more detail like everyone else has suggested in Why you...
GJ @Jhow :D
G8! Im looking forward to your new video :D
I think the shop has everything that people need to sell so they can reach Free rank...
[IMG] ;D
Support the new maps idea but I'm not sure about a Call of Duty map though :/
This is a good idea I support
Request rejected
No support because the diamond kits are what makes some people donate...
But for most Zs opprison being fun has become a thing of the past because there isn't anything to do except chat and mine Sent from my XT1039...
Well I would like an account because I am currently stuck in a position where I need an alt to fix a problem on opprison about the shops as I have...