Welcome! I love Skullduggery Pleasant :o! I even got one of my books sign ;D! Hope to see you more in game :p Welcome to the forums :t::t::t:
Bumpity Bump
good points there xD
Even tho its raining where I am (it should be summer D:<)
I agree, It is annoying when gods group together just for the rofl... Something should be done about this... Either revamp donor kits or remove it...
or you can do that But I would find that really annoying especially when you want your plots near a friend or something
I dont have netflix D:<
Bump I'm not sure because of the alleged reset of other game modes like the one in Infections so it may be already underway but if they are this...
Yes Plotme plugins come with a system where the plots can be placed in a list under an expired tag so admins can remove these dormant plot...
Ok I know this has been suggested many many many times before but I thought why not give it another shot... So as you may know the current plot...
2 WEEKS! I have 1 months worth of exams which is so frustrating -.- and I still have 16 more to go....
Welp your drawings are gooood
Reddit is ugly D:< Do a cookie
omd what the. . .
I agree :D
Lock Request!
Support! Again for the 1billionth time