Cool Thread. I like it hot.
Cute profile pic. Hope you get builder!
What's next, Blondes vs Brunettes?
Actually lemme edit it.... How can you compare these two food? There's really crappy pancakes/waffles and really good pancake/waffles. It depends...
ewww nu #paleolove
I mean if you are still not a mod by 40, it might be time to give up.....and stay away from any ledges.
You are so desperate to be a mod that it's kinda creepy. But I guess that might make you an ok mod since you are SO into it. teeny tiny support.
You'd be one of best things that ever happened to MV. Support.
Are you watching the "new" xfiles?
I wish this was around when I started. Good job!
Support except for the 200000 rabbits. that sounds cute.
How many people went to the other server to look around after they read this?
Support. It would be nice to have a developer on that actually cares about fixing things that have broken on skyblock. Anything has got to better...
I edited the above post to fit the report template. Thanks.
Your ingame name: Krissie The offender's exact ingame name: Softbank_ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Disrespect /...
It's 2016. Learn to use speech recognition and keep your cheetos fingers off the screen. Especially those using an ipad or iphone. The little...
So let me get this straight... He scammed you once before and then you did another deal with him (without recording or simply pressing the f2 to...
My original island mates and I had this happen too. I had to join someone else's island and then do "/is leave" before I could rejoin them.
Don't forget to add 8 months if you want everything to work correctly.
good luck!