I'm awesome I know
Yeah now that I think about it... Close this please
Hello, I am ZentiosPvP I was scammed 2k on kitpvp and I recorded it. The player is banned but I'm wondering if I could have my 2k back. The trade...
I'm crying right now lol
Thank you for your support it means a lot, I try my best
@BlackZone can you please close this? I was having issues with my forums account but now it's resolved so I posted it on my account
Any way I can improve to get your support? Also why no support?
Thank you for your support it means a lot! <3
Yeah that's true, thanks for your help
Thank you for your support, it means a lot <3 Thank you, I didn't really think about that part lol xD
Thank you, I will try to become more active on the forums. I am active in game I just play kitpvp most the time, I will check out some accepted...
My Staff Application. Hello I am ZentiosPvP and I am applying for staff on Mineverse Ign: ZentiosPvP How old are you: I am 14 years old. My...
What's up guys?
How old are you? 14 My Birthday is in july 13 2001. Your in-game name: Zentios. What timezone are you in? Eastern time zone. What country do you...
Thanks guys, love you too...
@Nightfire Is Minecraft Down For You???
@Nightfire you their?
@Nightfire http://zentios.weebly.com/