HOW OLD ARE YOU my age is 16...
=ed to be a mod on this amazing server so support me thanks people :)
want to be a mod so badly
easily i get back from high school at 2:30
Also, here it says you are 16, on your profile it says you are 18. What is your real age? i made it longer and i would love to get to known u...
lol i put 18 by actident im really 16
hey noobcrew u should make a sever called levels pvp if u know wat it is its very fun and popular so it would be awesome if u added levels pvp
reset my creative plz noobcrew the awesome plz reset it
reset my creative plz pile of butts
no my internet is awesome beast mode but its because of an item someone gave me
were do i fill out im kinda a noob at this and we are friens now
ok its good now because we are friends now
noobcrew do u know holygirl in real life
NOOB CREW ARE THE BEST I LOVE MINEVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my creative wont work ether lol
im awesome
she is killing and greefing on suvival all my friends are sayng i need to report her so plz bann her for killing and taking all my stuff she...