see its not that im power hungry its that i cant achive it im a person who doesnt like to give up and i'm frusterated becuase i have no chose but...
thank u i hope u achive your goals :D
well its not just that its because i try to achive it so much but i just cant it gets me so just frustrated that i cant do it i feel like i can...
DO to my lack of being able to achive moderator im leaving mineverse its funny because on my last day on mineverse i met a admin well good bye...
Your ingame name:mirror234 The offender's ingame name:Can_You_Not_516 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: he was cursing...
post your comments
no support :( sry dude
u need m0re details
thx and when was noobcrew on i'd love to meet him
we may be in different time zones and i play alot of op pvp survival sky wars and factions so u may play different games but i play the server alot :)
k thx
How old are you? 16 Your in-game name: mirror234 What timezone are you in? EST, but I can be online pretty much whenever. What country do you live...
im kirito from Sword Art Online one of the best animes
Your ingame name:mirror234 The offender's ingame name:Travman24 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:they where spamming tpa to...
dude once again time zones are different