Support really good app !!! goodluck bro ;)
i posted after that that I will listen to the construtive comments by negative i mean the straight out rude comments
SORRY NO support when i saw the advertize thing i changed my mind
i did only bump 1 time
just to tell you all im sorry for the grammar issues i really try my best
no wonder we dont meet i mostly play survial op prison op pvp and skywars
Yea i understand where ur coming from uk maybe ill start doing that :)
what games do you maily play maybe thats why you have never seen me in game do u play survial alot wht about opprison
i understand where your coming from dood but i mean the comments that are like u suck and u will never get mod and such cause theres no use...
dang those grammar mistakes lol
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yea its not just mini games most like regular games idk :(
Please help me my rank shows on some of the server but not ones like survival parkour mini games kit pvp skywars spawn and others here is the...
Your ingame name:mirror234 The offender's ingame name: Christianjoeckel A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: they kept...
i agree sounds like a great idea by big youtuber what do u mean like 50k- 1mil