Hope I see you online too :D
I'm sorry for the spelling errors. oh and I havnt seen you in a while Divining but im kinda lazy cause I can only be on his forums account for a...
Ign:Judgings(applying for my brother because he doesnt have a forums account) Old Ign:HeavenOnVacation Age:14 Communication:Skype and ts My...
I checked but you're banned on SwordzAndHordz? We will think about it
Lack of grammer (:
Sorry cidonic but Im in M@fia
you're gay DO I GET IN?!?!
My Ign:Fadings I am 8 1-10 pvp im a 3 i can destroy you I am rank god but im not a god I am family friendly young man smd Accept me or...
heres Challenging pet hiding in the new room [MEDIA]
Ok so my friend YoShadow asked me to make a forum report of him gettign downgraded to Premium when he was Titan and I know for sure that alot of...
Heres the proof [MEDIA]
caught him pet hiding in rainbow 3 day ban? [MEDIA]
Support First time I played Op PVp (Like 6 months after it came out) I got disarmed and destroyed by a person with High mcmmo like wtf <3 Hope it...
Ok King_ies_010 is hacking is i want him banned so here is the proof. [MEDIA]
ok I have a hacker named Aviators heres the vid [MEDIA] And sorry for the People in background lol
Ign:Fadings How Good Do You think you're at pvp:1-10 umm on Mineverse 10 Lol Why do you wanna join: the reason I wanna join is because ive been in...
Ign:Fadings Flexibilty: Idek what that means lmao Mcmmo: umm about 6OO over all Time spent on this server: I play this server every day and im...
I saw