am I a og? ign:Fadings
hey how about you stfu you random i was talking about stuff like u3 ds 3 and stuff like crapples not p5
Ign:Fadings you were in fishermen and you were my friend i personaly say Yes to you being accepted best of luck!
i dont get a inform?
Ign:Fadings Age:12 Rank:God how good are you at pvp: i can beat alot of M@fia members im also like a 1050 elo on kohi how long can you be on:...
im Fadings
Titanicguy how about you stfuand mind your own buisness you 12 year old ? 2nd of all ur a random who knows you? your mom?
WHY DID YOU PERM BAN ME FOR DISRESPECT WTF :( i cry ill do anything I SPENT 100 DOLLARS! on this server
i wanted back in M@fia but exponent_ is being a dick and wont let me in
Roster so far is Fadings XskullTitan FCBPRO11 Scrubz4Dayz KoolMan05 FoilsJr H20Pixel Theloosetoothtwo CreepereZ Clan name is Swarm
I am going to be creating a clan i dont know name yet and at the end of your apply put a name of clan if you have a suggestion if you have a...
^^^ No Support
Its a legit game its not like im going up to someone and legit stabing them with a ing knife
Finally someone thats actually thinks
Guys I get it I messed up but I bought God rank and I dont want to have to wait 30 days untill i can play again if you spent all your christmas...
I get that and If I see him im gonna say sorry for my artions
I get that death threats are something very bad to say but sometimes we get mad and dont mean it Im dearly sorry for doing that and I just dont...
I dont think if you type something in chat over a game you should have to wait a month to be able to play again on the server I recently got...
I watched that vid and you were rude to a kid Now Its a no for you getting in M@fia sorry.
IGN:Fadings Age:12 Prestige: Im no prestige and Im lvl like 43 Rank:God Skype: None loyalty: I dont betray so a 10 Likeability: Well im in a big...