This is a obvious yes!
Implement a plugin such as cosmicpvp's plugin which would make a user confirm his/her purchase of a rank or key. This would help prevent players...
Support, I would use cheatbreaker if it was available. That was the main reason I turned to hacking.
Yes, I am. Also I play Fortnite now not Minecraft. And I get my Nomousedelay and TCP off of! Sorry for the late reply.
I would love to come back, but only to a fully updated server that has Cheatbreaker support. I love the client and otherwise would probably wind...
Never death threated u. I said if u kill "grind" my pigman I will do the same to u "referring ingame"
Alot of the bans are invalid. I got a leedle leedle leeeeee ban which I did nothing to deserve. I also got 3 bans as a unban [Unbans register as...
Im not appealing I deserve what I got and what i_am_youtuber said was almost completely true. Except for the part about the perm ban. Also...
@PiLe @xBMAN @Noobcrew [ Sorry For Letting You Down] @SniffMyToes [Sorry Sniff For Killing You Using 4.7 Block Reach, I will return ur stuff when...
I recently was unban by Crew, I have hacked on oppvp using reach and tested fly hacks at spawn. My mods folder is now clear . I regret hacking and...
Happy B-Day GG One Of The Best Mods Out There!
who wouldn't want a spawn fixed? Ez Support!
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: VTA The offender's exact ingame name: CandyGirl978 A...
@UncleUrnesto @twin_nic @sithkitty {no acc}
@Murays IGN VTA Been Here Since 2013 As Srivatz And Starfox, Murays, Ap3x_Strafez, Ap3x_Skillz, BN5, Ect
IGN: VTA 426
Support, Tree Feller Would Add A Whole New Aspect To The Game In The Form Of Mining Wood. This Could Also Help Bring Back Prisons Which...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: VTA Alt: Is Honeymuffin36879 I Store Money On It The...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: VTA The offender's exact ingame name: Purpendicular A...