haha u get cookie for putting up w/ dere hate
Your ingame name: InsanePvPxYT The offender's ingame name: Whazzi, xPain_12, michaelo98, Nuclear_daffodil, rustyoldblaze, cheifswag, and Fries2419...
Agree, it would be nice to see some changes, and not small changes, real changes.
Hows that a "rekt"? I was given advice to help improve my application.
Things don't always stay the same, they change sometimes for better or worse
Well you gotta be extremely patient with this kinda thing, It's alot to fix
Ya but with the price their paying for titan its fair, plus alot of my friends are titans so I'n happy with dat :D
No, I think NoobCrew would be a better owner then "Deez Nuts"
The server is good, but the players are very aggressive, espcially on op pvp. You do a nice 1v1, and they get a 3 hit combo after u got a 7 hit...
Hehe minivans, ya definately
The actual best pvpers r well known
Mineverse has alot, but I would love to see more minigames
Will I get money back?
IGn: InsanePvPxYT I lost kit archer and tempest on kit pvp I also cant type any commands on creative!?
Your ingame name: InsanePvPxYT The offender's ingame name: Hacker: Qozo Teaming with him: Wolfiowww A description of what rule they broke/how they...
Your ingame name: InsanePvPxYT The offender's ingame name: Hackers: BennerDK, sandor_1234, rasse65, Teaming with them: Nuderix, TheReCcer,...
I'm on everyday, I check forums often
like I said, I'm very active, I dont post to much unless It's needed.
Well the staff need to block some commands like /minecraft:me and msg and others but its a start.
Minecraft defies human possiblites, in what case are you gonna punch a tree with ur hand?