It's bad enough players are saying their quitting then logging back on the next day for attention, we don't need to bring that to the forums. No...
Survival was never meant to be op, I personally believe it's meant to be closest to vanilla as possible, though they could always add a op...
Whats the point of just quoting us?
This is a interesting idea but wouldn't exactly promote the server in the most positive way and may bring more problems to the servers such as...
A youtuber rank would inflate the economy, youtube already has a known past for botting, players would exploit it for the perks. No support.
It's an alright idea but it would provoke a-lot of advertisements, even if it was only allowed to be directed to one user a time. No Support.
No support, player bugs constantly in game for people to post positive feedback on the application.
IGN: WhitePlayaPvPz Accused: bjj02 & I_lovethickgirls Story: N/A Proof: [MEDIA]
Offender: AlphaBounce Story: He wanted me to join a server and make his skin, I immediately refused before he said the IP. Proof:...
Proof: [MEDIA]
Thanks a-lot guys! I'm able to play again
I just bought Supreme and when i try to go on creative I crash and I've tried everything me and my friend can connect for a second then it...
Ah, well I still support this
I think god might too but im not sure on dat
idk the spam bots would be annoying, plus it would be alot, mineverse is a big community and alot of bans go down each day so there may be alot...
Support, it would cool to have a varity of options w/ maps aswell on OP PvP, maybe a wilderness type thing
Definate support!
Support, just have it remind players each log in or they could forget and lose out all the time
it'd be nice if they actually banned the hackers i report