support btw :cat: ;)
but i don't care bout dat, i support anyways and if you become a mod then...
what do u mean "Bump" everytime someone says that on moderator applications, i don't get it -_-
moderators should talk on chat, welcome new people, and teach players how to do stuff! is it true he never does that?
i thought that WAS on topic
im going on mineverse now on skywars
how do you do dat?
k instead i will eat spagetti (or however you spell it lol)
WHAT whatever i'll just chill and eat sushi :cat:
no support sorry, no colours,too short, no questions for me to understand... so yeah, as i said, no support
man i love these cat gifs! <3
meow :cat: support
oy why is Lego_batman_1 banned??
support, good luck [IMG] pizza :cat: