Glitter effects hypnotised me for 20 seconds straight, had to forcefully snap myself out
No support, colors too bright.
gr8 spell1ng m8, i r8 8/8, no deb8.
No support. Needs to be more active on forums Needs to be more active in-game Mod applications that use colors like these hurt some peoples' eyes...
No support; Never seen you in-game Is only a member on forums Your mod application is fine, you just have to act like a mod should act like.
No support; New member on forums Never seen you in-game Mod app lacks detail Mod app should ideally be more pretty. Mod app follows the template,...
No support. Never seen you in-game New member on forums Needs more detail Mod app is too plain You should refer to other mod apps such as this...
No support; Never seen you in-game. New member on forums. Not enough detail. Not following the template. Mod app is too plain. You should refer...
No, copy-paste the template then answer them. Look at this for reference. After doing that, add more detail and make it more pretty. You should...
are you sure
[MEDIA] Warning: Foul language category 1
who da heck are you
you skrub
First to say "I'm too awesome to even bother xD". I'm a rebel, come at me world.
It'd be hilarious if someone named Termite came to your profile and said "Guess what I had for breakfast?"
once a week
Eating pizza for dinner? You guys are living the good life.
thenks =3
gud game on bedwars m8.