knight bby
Put him as lesbian duck ;}
Miss talking to you to bbygurl <3 love yuh
#Original Gangster/Duck Squad!
Hey bby!
Hey babe!
Lol just reading the flam war is funny af
Has my support bby gurl ;) love yuh.
these mod(s) make a quick assessment of the situation <.< Yep
our skype chats are unmentionable c:
your kawaiiiiiiii c: lol
yuh look like shane dawson o-o
Hey boo c: love me c: ^3
yea its cereal, my bby is @Blocky c: and @canucksfan44 Rofl ofc it is
thanks for gettin' me banned :)
I ship me and you canucks_12_34 c: #ShipIt =D you already said on skype we could have baby senpai