[media] Amazing pack displayed for you guys in 1080p on YouTube. After 20 youtube likes, I'll put the DL link in the desc. Or Message...
I give sweg
yes, thank youuuuuu
it was actually an incorrect ban lololol
but im bored and all the other servers suck :(
can u plz help me dontchallengeme :)...
@almarobb123 @canucksfan44 @Darkchyldeone @fryzigg @Glaadiator @jadey64 @KatoKillsMyGPA @kirbyo32 @kitkat6605910 @larrythebird101 @Laura_or_is_it...
Ign: SpeedyNinjaZ Game mode banned on: KitPvP Link to accepted appeal:...
i got unbanned this morning cause they realized that i dont have aimbot