New Potion PvP arena where u can do 1v1 or 2v2's with a possible elo ranking system? it would make the server 100x better in my opinion -It...
[media] check the description of the video for my pack download :p
It doesn't let me, I think cause I don't follow me back or something
Another Amazing Mineverse KitPvP-used texture pack edit by one of my friends, displayed for you guys at 1080p-(45)fps Message DEZIPLEZ or...
i updated the pack with an HD font, so that link is somewhat outdated
yeah sure, inbox me and what's your yt? :p
yea it is 100% safe lol. u can see my Twitter @DmG_NinjaZ. im a trusted person in the cod/mc community lol
What if we had Daily, or a couple wave events every week? Wave Events are pretty much like, a small arena, where every1 tp's to (everyone gets...
lmk, and I'll message you the download link :)
everyone would have it as a perk
Well yea but if u think about it, it'l be SO unfair to the people who don't have speed II lol. Speed II pot would either have to be very rare, or...
Mr. richest person on the server, opinions? Good or bad
ok, so you know on competitive PvP servers such as Badlion, or Kohi, and HFC in general, PvP is really fun and intensive when players drink their...
Fixed @UncleUrnesto . So there's not 2 of the same thread anymore
WHY, I'm just sharing the texture pack love :(
I put it in the wrong thread!