No Support, I'm Elite and I think that it makes it a bit too OP :P
No Support. There's no way to give evidence if you use /report.
Neutral. When you sign up for forums they don't ask for your IGN so it would make it difficult to know everyone's rank.
Support :P
Neutral. If the plots are too big, then it may crash the server when you clear them.
No Support, there's only a limited amount of ores/blocks and there is like 26/27mines.
No Support. Sorry.
Support - The money you win with the lottery isn't even enough to afford B rank
Support on #2
Neutral, its not really needed :P
Support - other wise it wastes people's money when they buy wolf spawners!
Support all the way :)
No Support. Mineverse has changed the lobby. I prefer the new lobby :)
I'm Neutral. if scammers were lobby banned then they would just leave Mineverse. I think if it's a donor rank scam then it should be perm lobby...