they darn diggity ed up
wat are you orphan
mother and daughter time is a good idea
woah, you won yourself the self conscious person award on mineverse! Gratz!
your problem, you ed up lol
fite me irl ill shrek you with my dsr 50 and get black ops 3 before all you kids with my 699 sniping skills and jump off nuketown 2025 and shrekt...
thats why you don't make internet friends get real friends, lol.
no staff on forums guys, lets go bizarre.
If you cant "change your life" then why are you saying baby changed? check yourself before you shrek yourself
check yourself before you wreck yourself
talking to tads, not misa.
stfu faker
I never said I could help the server? You think you're so popular, you're just a douche on mineverse thinking you're so cool. Thinking you can...
it was exaggeration lol. well, tough luck that cyp denied it. it stays that way.
This is what you did. You got unbanned, criticized the staff and starting being a douche to people, you shoulda stayed banned tbh.
you're trying so hard to defend your babe
tbh, idek why you tried so hard to google translate stuff with ares, I kinda knew it was you, everyone did tbh. Fake pics, fake attitude, fake...
and you're baby