10000000% support <3.
Sure why not? support.
Its true that 1.9 is gonna ruin pvp, but most players are probaly gonna use 1.9,so i gotta say no support,i know 1.9 is gonna ruin pvp but thats...
Many people dosen`t play this but sure why not? Support.
Sounds pretty good,support.
Hmm... Support.
No support,i do not agree with this i don`t think this should happen.
I have been gone for a while now but i am finally back.
Amazing,Support <3.
Thank you.
Hmmm.... Support.
Support dood <3.
This sounds awesome,100% Support <3.
Thank you for the support.
Support,But i`d say add a cooldown for 3 seconds.
Well mineplex have it but Support
No support. Needs more detail and more screenshots.
I love it,Support.