A full screen shot wouldn't show anything i was helping someone build a house and i just saw this in the chat. I tried to get 21pepes to vouch...
Xipher_Mine is advertizing a server called rageraid (see screenshot)
ugh... other than those who are just being annoying (lilyboo) and my bad grammer does anyone else have anything to say about my mod application?
OMG lilyboo READ WHAT I JUST WROTE I FIX ED THAT PART MY GOD!!!! Now before anyone else comments I REWROTE some parts to fix most of the...
I started playing minecraft in 7th grade. I am now a Junior in High School so 2016-4= 2012 so in that case I am still right I have been on this...
Omg think of it this way than I have been playng since the server first started.
everyone says no support but doesn't exsplain what they mean. Also i was a bits lazy when i made this but its all true information. and i rather...
I mean I have been on this server for a LONG time.
How old are you? 17 Your in-game name: lightgx4764 What timezone are you in? Eastern standerd (live on the east coast in NJ) What country do you...
I will try that ty
idk if these mods will help, but their the onlyones i can think of atm: @VaMeSa123 and @Musezeta. maggicStar721 try starting a private...
I think someone is stealling from my island and putting the stolen items in their private chest. If a moderator can meet me on skyblocks that...
I did that and then tried to add someone and it said I had reached my Max island ammount
1. What's the max number of players allowed on an island 2. When I try to add my friends to my island it says I reach my max. How can I see who is...
Try /is leave and then have the island owner do /is invite <your mc name> and you should get the choice of doing /is accept or /is deny. If this...
Well who knows when that will happen...
Can someone tag this servers owner or co owner please. Cuz otherwise this is a pointless thread :/