@IdkWhatHappened 75%
god now you make me feel sorry for u but than again ik because everytime i see u on skywars ur in a fight with someone :p Also i can think of on...
I have tried many times but its hard to do something that stands out and gets noticed. I mean i could try to do something on creative but i mean...
thanks :) and nice profile pic :)
God honest truth i have no social life outside of minecraft :p Also just reading the replies im noticing alot of my spelling errors XD
i left the server for 1 summer and everything i knew was gone even my friends Its hard finding new friends.
Not always true unfortunatly :(
were is he lacking detail?
why u change ir profile pic :3
ay anytime buddy.
this is all copy and baste BS someone take the dang time to actually give decent feed back cause what u people are doing right now doesn't help at...
he is active ingame. add more support and detail become active in froums and dude u joined the forums on friday so you are still fairly new so if...
how long have you been playing on mineverse?
I have left but for some reason i keep comming back.
lol sounds like something i would say to someone to make them feel better lol :( idk its not just the app its the fact that I do all that and...
that was mineverse but now with all the bad stuff (censor for sh**) thats happened to me on minevsere its no longer my happy server :(
Honestly i think your the first person who i actully like on mineverse who i havent /friended yet xD Also when you said "By "Helping out a little...
To me its not because I've been n minecraft since 7th grade (around 2011-2012) and now im a junior in highschool (2015-2016) so thats roughy 5 or...
-_- really you really had to correct that? Again missing the main point of this post.