@Pile u can close this if you want creative is back up.
It's back up
Try to go on creative.
What can I say I got a one track mind:P
I'm referring too the time before I met you.
I don't think so It says connecting but never teleports me
Is the creative server down right now cause i cant connect to it.
o.O i find that hard to believe tbh :P
BTH im 17 irl i lied on my profile page i got to change it :P
It's just when I go on mv and none of my friends are online I try to find something to do but no one ever answers me :(
U got an extra letter there
What happened? What did I miss?
Isn't their a 12+ rule for staff? I don't remember. But otherwise add color and no support add more detail and Good Luck m8 :)
U got it backwards m8 it's Hide yo kids, hide yo wife
:D GG <3 u all for helping me earlier on giving up on mv I don't think I will I think I just needed to talk it out and thanks guys for listening:)
Whats my favorite color? A. Neon Blue B. Black C. Pinkish Redish D. Orange Whats my favorite TWO gamemodes? A. Skywars and opprison B. Skywars and...