Great app I'm jealous cause of how good it is :) good luck!
it said If you click the sign you will be reset to [A] but i dint read that till after i clicked the sign so i went rom rank[O] to rank [A]
I didnt read the full sign and get sent from rank O back to A :'( why you do dis? and do i have to start over again? rank: Sopnsor
Oh so just the server name the postion i held and for how long? okay ill add that.
true I would but people were saying i was advertizing. But Ill try to incorporate your comment. thanks. This is it. Thank you. This is the...
This enough detail?
I try to be on different gamemodes in the future.
Im having a bad day taco. got a headache and im depressed about my server so yah if you need me im on fadecloud prison
you dont see me online much because the staff NEVER goes on creative plus the forums gett annoying sometimes so i tend to stay off them.
Taco :( #havingabadday
I think the thing i hate the most right now is the people who leave bad comments and think there right when they probably cant do any better cause...
You missed the point of what I was saying.
I decided to review and edit my app to add more detail. many of you might say no support but guess what if you want to say that LEAVE A REASON. I...
Draw a taco :3 or 2 wolfs in love :P
Okay. I know this thread died a long time ago but I thought I would post an update. I did stay with mineverse but its been challenging at times. I...
@Scorvix was 1 reason i stayed the other was u @IdkWhatHappened <3
@AliensCreatedUs i look at at the screen shots and I don't see anything out of the ordinary. If you can try to get a video as proof. Or get more...
@wesley watts @ProShrekter did u use PayPal? If so check your PayPal transaction history if you don't see anything new like ur rank than it didn't...
I noticed this aswell but if anyone can remember back before this lobby the lobby with the ender dragon /pet worked. I guess it caused the lobby...
@Jaredfaith reference some of the accepted mod apps so you can see how to improve your application. Good luck :)