Bump. Unless no one cares about Mineverse towny.
Wow you must really hate the staff if you actually go so far as to do why your talking about.
Support, I've had this issue many times.
Like I said been here since day 1 meaning since 2013, but I did join the forums later as I didn't know if I would stay on mineverse but 3 years...
Thanks lol :)
For those of you who do not know what Vanilla means, Vanilla minecraft is basically single player servers meaning there's Absolutely nothing no...
Because I'm a bit of a Skyblock veteran like you and I'm showing my support to what you were saying.
Thanks m8 but like I said I was here since day 1. I know the rules lol Hello .-. Howdy Sup OG as in Old Gamers? If so are you one as well or...
Hello mineverse! My name is Matt aka lightgx4764. I'm a old mineverse player and I don't remember nor can find any trace or me marking an intro...
You can color in plot chat if you know how.
At this point you backed me into a corner as I have nothing to argue as I don't know what server you are referring to nor do I want you to say it...
Okay, for you it's not abused but to me and the servers/ players I play with/on abuse this. I can see where you are coming from tho.
This is why I know what's it's like to be called salty, because people tend to disagree with what I say like you are doing lol
/t home is if you made or joined a town I mean for players with now town and want to make one.
Bump please read
Neutral. I see one problem, someone might rename there item something stupid or offensive or dumb like You Salty? But that's just my opinion