That proves nothing pony. That's like saying "here is a photo of my versions folder I don't hack"
What are you even talking about? Are you saying my name makes me immature? Even if it did who cares? Not me. You are arguing over a minecraft...
You are just incapable to take a rating. But it's not like it is a rule anyways.
I actually can, and I am still here because it's my report. Please tell me how I'm acting immature as well.
Do it then, I bet you won't lol stop bluffing. Also this thread is not a rule so stop bringing it up
First off, please treat me with respect when you talk to me. Secondly I replied to his original report which was locked and I am reporting him so...
I don't need proof because the staff can see they didn't do it all in one hour. Your pathetic attempt to frame them didn't work. I just read the...
Even if you did "take it in a bad spot" on accident, it still makes the report invalid. I really can't believe you though because I am almost sure...
I am not causing trouble I am pointing out that you are being dishonest. The way you replied to my comment just shows you are not as good at lying...
Sorry it was a forum glitch that said I could not see it. But the images were cropped in a specific way so they were and you know it. Now please...
But the thing is I would probably support you if you stayed true to your mod app and you were maybe 2 years older. I think the mod app was good...
@Ponyknight99 fabricated reports on Herf and Ringo rate abusing by posting edited screenshots He is trying to get innocent people banned and I...
No Support! Sorry I don't feel comfortable with a person your age being moderator. No hard feelings, it is just my personal opinion.
You already get World Edit from voting. No Support
This is incorrect and here is why: @Ringo: The times were cut off and you can not see if they are in the same hour. @Herf: These are 2...
Hey banana, I just wanted to say you are a great moderator and you get some hate but you deserve lots of praise in my opinion. You always seem to...
Still, Gapples are easy to get. I suggest to not trust anyone except the family because life is crazy and people will switch up on you for just a...
I think you meant "OCD" xD It doesn't seem to be kicking in because you sure are misspelling a lot of things. Practice what you preach lapfuwong
Gaps are easy to get so it was an obvious scam considering 5 million is a lot of money.