-Not Active im active every day on opfactions but thanks for ur feed back
i messaged u thanks for Ur feed back tho
sadly when i click your name i cant message u
i under stand i have stoped ddosing and im sorry for the past we can all ways start new
omg your real good can u do me? ign: boxjerrmy i want Factions name on it : boxxy
Hello i Want To thank u for reading my application to become Mod on Op-Factions - Kitpvp. Enjoy Your Stay. Thank u How old are you? I am 16 year...
pm me
@bananaman11223 close this bec the skids want to cry when someone wants to meet new people
all i wanted was new friends but all u skids do is say i ddos i dont even care now Bye
Why do people think i hack XD i Stoped that like long ago
can you not read? like really 'YOur' then you try to act like you can spell Your* your stupid As*
XD are u that stupid did i make a Threat YOur so slow
dont even talk xxpvpkings i already have your skype
pm me your skype
i gave 40 k then he gives then i was going pay the other 40 k
my ign boxjeremy scamer in video rule scaming proof [MEDIA]
canucksfan i miss u i wish u had skype now
get on opfactions me and a friend are going to 2v2 a hacker