Ur sitting arguing to me about this when there's no lag in this video
U are one stupid mod I used hacks in games I know what hacks are I got banned for them Soo sit down
Both of u suck at being mods kids I'm a youtuber go look me up Kids. I nervier lag and I don't PvP when I do and that's only when I upload
I don't lag kid I was running 132 fps and if I was lagging how can I send messages and get away
This staff member does not know what he is doing and refuses to ban people he is friends with I reported a hacker with clear hacks and this staff...
Reporting u for not abnninf a player for hacks when those are hacks
That's just mean
Don't hide messages
And @MaxNinja10
@canucksfan44 @fryzigg @xSoulHero @CypriotMerks Plz get mods that will view the reports And don't tell me to wait , chough @bananaman11223...
My ign : boxjeremy hacker ign : Rei1230 Rule hacking Proof [MEDIA]
NoobCrew Give ranks the command /ext WHAT IT DOES description: Extinguish players. usage: /<command> <player> aliases: [extinguish]
my ign : boxjeremy player ign in video KILLER AURA or tigger bot , look at head , and anti knock back [MEDIA]
@CypriotMerks plz read the logs bec i did not take any photos
my ign : boxjeremy player : XxXNitro21XxX ok u can Ask any player on at this time XxXNitro21XxX was Black mailing me and Threating me im on...
my ign boxjeremy report BAB199 Rule Spaming THIS PLAYER was Temped banned 6 hours ago and is still not banned @Pile_of_Butts he just came...
View this Fourm ... SOMEONE @Scorvix
my ign : boxjeremy Spamer BAB199 Rule Spamming This player All Ready haves a Warning for Spam, Then this is his 2ed Spam :...
u may find me on opfactions Almost Every day , am somethimes on Kitpvp