Well op factions is becoming stupid bec 25 % of opfactions Is HAckers and i wanted to clean the server up give reason why to play opfactions , bec...
i know right xD , i did that bec i chould not think of any one thats 24/7 online and i put my self and b3n bec me and him are on 24/7
like me and my friends got banned for tpa traping when its allowed on opfactions , and all of us got unbanned but one of us ARE STILL BANNED ,...
and spawn getting griffend 7 times a month
i taged my self bec im mostly 24/7 online on there and i hate pvping and them hacking or the xrayers
we make 30 reports a day takes 5 days for a mod to view them , if we have a active mod think of all the good on opfactions , opfactions will...
i know right i only play opfactions that's why xD
we need a active Mod on opfactions @CypriotMerks pick a player that plays opfactions 24/7 and make him mod only on opfactions , for me u need...
spawn griffend on opfactions plz FIX IT
spawn Griffed on opfactions
UNBAN thnyan559 on opfactions for tpa traping this is a false ban
my ign boxjeremy
ok i dont know where i can make a fourm if i lost my owner ship of my faction so i made it here i lost owner ship of my faction name : ducks...
may i plz have owner ship of my faction :<
i was banned by this player for Tpa traping oon opfactions , when the rules say tpa traping is allowed , proof...
boxjeremy player in game [MEDIA]
my ign : boxjeremy PugLife_Cameron [MEDIA] @bananaman11223 and @MaxNinja10
Go look at the video maybe u need to watch videos do tell me to hack kid