Waiter, there's a kid in my soup
If u did I was hard core afk
What's Ur ign
I'm buying my dream car in 2 years cost 42 k Built in torbo
So u have builders that can't build that's stupid
Type /spawn And turn right
Go on opfactions
xD I want to see this , "makes popcorn"
I told 5 mods 1 builder no one's fixxing it @CypriotMerks and @Noobcrew Plz fix this spawn on opfactions type /spawn And go right Type that...
true that ur 24/7 too
when i make a reort i tell a mod to go view it and they say no , or stop asking me to view stuff , and theu neriver View IT , @bananaman11223...
im not making a report that will stay 10 days there , and no one views it
i know what im doign xD im just making him pick someoen
im saying maybe a mod thats only for opfactions that wont staff abuse
im saying a mod that will play on there and will view reports no mater What , someone that will play with the players and not leave , someone that...
im not trying to apply im trying to make him get players that WILL BE ON opfactions 24/7
i know but if i tell @CypriotMerks to pick som,eone he might pick someone i just gave him 2 players that are 24/7 online on opfactions