it has to start for it to be lost
when you win a poke war for the 100th time.
redeny ihy (im kidding hi)
no not that
when did this happen
oh wait
dude same omg
legit was my favourite show ever. probably would still watch it even now lol.
bro i know this by heart
sometimes i confuse you with a pinecone.
i second that
tHanK yOu!!!!!!
she actually wasn't sleeping
if we're smashing do I have to listen to him talk -vee
how is that so
youre so lame smh
dont bully me, that was aLmost 3am i was broken
if you look at the stars yiu might realize that they give off light
sando youve lost every single one of our poke wars. id ask you the same question
no, im ariel. i asked for legs just to spend time with you.