No, some gods would use it in the pvp areas and to troll/kill other players in mines.
Titans already have an OP kit, /god /enchant /heal others ect. so they will have plenty of other exclusive commands. But make it so if a god...
support. Maybe add some more stuff in the openness?
Not much people get on hellblock though, 4-5 tops from what i have seen.
Kinda support. Disable them at spawn. However this isnt, and should not be, a bannable offense. As @TADS4/ _tomathan said, people are just using...
Support, what about seeing what the prestige includes too?
I love the duel idea. And an add-on/extension to the shop would be good. Maybe a 1sec cool for ender pearls though. Support :D
Well in the arena it is possible to make /god disabled. Not remove /enchant, it is a titan perk. Maybe make it so it cant be like sharp5, p5 or...
More than 15% would quit, rage or spam the server. yay no.
*Slow Clap*
Agreed! Plus do you guys really want a ton of players to quit because you cant take time to get stuff? I got back on MV (after loosing all of my...
Support, I feel like this would help a lot. I see servers such as prison and infection have mods, but some servers, like skyblock, don't really...
Why not both? I mean /auc is an instant auction which helps when you want to show ppl what you have, and your idea is more of a long term (in a...
Again, this is just an option for pvp. If you dont like it, dont pvp.
Most of the spam I see in that stupid Nova server people getting on and advertising. Also there is spam, but not a lot. Like Loneey said, its...
Thanks :D thank you!
Edited the post.
Skyblock is a fun, economy filled server. But I think it needs a pvp arena. (at spawn.) There can be a path you will follow and it will lead to a...
So I noticed that all the villager types in skyblock have the same trades. Clerics all have the same. Butchers all have the same. ect. And I was...
I agree. Just don't reset the ranks!!! The donors will save their kits until they are infected and then they will massacre everyone. Agreeing...