So I noticed that the warp plugin [warptastic] has it so players are able to make warp signs, we just arent allowed. So what if players could make...
No support. We do not need another rank. However the higher ups should work on management.
May i add something to this? Why not add this for skyblock too, except its for islands and warps. If you dont know, skyblock has a ton of old...
Well why not? It can be in an inventory slots and they can throw it away or take it out of their hotbar. However dueling could bring up the need...
Just saying if you look on the first page Scorvix does joke around. I dont see him trying too hard. Awww yeah! Its catching on. Its umm not...
Support. This will also clear up space around spawn so active players can rebuild/refurbish the land so its not just 100 blocks of crap. :D
Support. All the awesome minecraft servers have huge, fun lobbies, except for mineverse. However in these lobbies we can chill and goof off with...
ahh. then i hope we dont loose kits too.
? what do you mean?
Just built it. I now fully support this.
Why not make it like in CSG? (NO not CS:GO) You can right click someone with a blaze rod and if they accept the duel (clicking back), you two are...
You could make an automatic tree farm though. I'd be happy to give you supplies for that.
I guess support if your not using this to dupe or as a glitch. As he is saying, it wont hurt anyone, and benefit some people. so Support!
Sorry but no support. Skyblock is supposed to be hard and filled with labor. And if this was added it would make things easier. Most players like...
Support. The one above the old one looks awesome.;
Its not that big of an offence. But very irritating. Support.
Support <>