Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Memeliodas The offender's exact ingame name: Jarquisha...
howdy So because the server is so toxic, and probably dying a bit, I've decided to start a weekly kitpvp tourney. We did one today and it went...
what's your favorite ice cream flavor? comment below :D
bro literally the entire kit update was dog but the most chump thing is that now you can respawn at spawn by disconnecting, and the server's .99...
that is my suggestion, not that lame minetime map either, old map is poggers. thank you for supporting my suggestion.
[ATTACH] he forgot the part where you got 10 staff reports on you for denying the appeals. good times :'))) title is a joke fyi (kinda :9)
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] u guys r trolling right
memeliodas godofgameno1 antikb (sword was kb 2 as you can see when i hit the other person) [MEDIA]