lceah. Dats my habit Problem?:t:
meh :D chengj6MC (dat buas) Im sponsor :)
Even if you don't like it, its true(ture) please read this thread to find out more about getting...
Do NOT say that you are a titan. also... I have to find something...
stop it. This is turning into a flame thread. @3yerrt if you can kindly close this thread. This is getting out of hand.
Please be positive :D
Come on. You just joined the forums about like. 1 day ago, and now you want to do moderator? Please don't lie in your app and please don't waste...
okay. And he quite obviously quoted that he would kill us all if he had his rank back. Otherwise, you letting your bro playing on ya account is...
Merry christmas to all of our mineverse community! The people who have brought me so far to this day in mineverse are: Alpheson_Chua: One of my...
maybe a little blue too, but overall a mod application that cypriotmerkz wont ignore
JESUS!!! WELCOME BACK TO THE MINEVERSE COMMUNITY!! hope you can become mod again c:
cameron. There was no need to give me a dislike, but i find your speech offensive, to the people of mineverse
Stuff it. You deserve a ban from the forums for such offensive laguages. Eddie, even though I don't know you, I know that there are many people...
Matthew_Cheng KRTXVINFECTION Rate abuse
i mean: don't use the kits as spawnkill. losa ppl abuse their ranks. I may bite back my words, but shouldn't we disallow spawnkill?
If you are looking at my post: you deserve a cookie...