Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: SnookOG The offender's exact ingame name: ManuOG A...
So yeah , i got banned for swearing ( warming 10 / 10 ) Most of those warnings were from ages ago Why is it that my old warnings are counting...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: SnookOG The offender's exact ingame name:FireCraftGfx A description of...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: SnookOG The offender's exact ingame name: OldQueen123 A description of...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: My Ign : SnookOG Offenders Name : PlcZ They were using " Aimbot " "...
Hai .. Can any mod or admin help me out so i have had this glitch from a long time where i was once banned for ban evading some times i get...
If a hacker and a non hacker are teamed and they are killing people is that bannable like does the non hacker get banned??
Can any of you help me on how to fix this ? So iv'e been un-banned long time ago and i still keep on getting this glitch that says iv'e been...
IGN ; SnookOG So theres this kid name plouuu Hes legit photoshopping to get people banned last time i got banned for advertising he photoshopped...
Name : SnookOG So yeah i've gotten my ban removed long time ago and i am still getting this glitch for some reason it kicks me mid pvp and says...
My IGN : SnookOG My problem is that it says the server is online but when ever i try to join it is not letting me join for some reason i've had...
My name : SnookOG Offenders name : YourHackingDude rules broken : Putting in appropriate link in chat. Evidence...
My Name SnookOG So i got stuck in a block i am getting kicked again and again some one help
My name : SnookOG Offenders name : zFlyinq Rules broken : Death threats Evidence : ,...
My name : SnookOG Offenders Name : Tacos6914 Rules Broken : Hacking Evidence : [MEDIA] So you're wondering snook how is that hacks " SNOOK...
My IGN : SnookOG Offenders Name : YTCrappyYT , Rastas ( look closely obviously using ghost client she turns half way and gets 2 hits alot of...
If some one from mineverse adds me on skype and ddoses me can i report them and get them banned on mineverse ? i got proof
My ign SnookOG Offenders IGn : ImNotFought Rules Broken : Death threats and DDos threats Evidence :...
Before Starting Watch The Starting Part At 0.5 Speed And Look At Him Hitting The Guy Behinde Him And There Is No One Near Him And He Just Looks At...
Hello , I've caught a bunch of hackers in your server including a donor :D Evidence [MEDIA] Names Of Those Hackers : 1st :_Straf1qn_ ( God...