yea I give up
going to take that as 5 6
meanie 2
5 akjsgjhgihuifbghgiah
Thank you for your service here. I never really got to know you, but we talked a few times on dubtrack when we were moderating ;)
WOAH these are pretty good :) I like your drawing style Hope your arm is better Get around to this whenever you can Weird request, but could you...
Alright Pinhead, your time is uuup
ban for not liking violence
ban for disgracing the wonderful animal known as a moose
banned for putting a gender label in your name
I made the suggestion on skyblock before I made it here. Haven't done anything regarding minetime though
Thanks for the support guys :)
Glad you liked the idea :)
That's the way I saw it :)
It would be a choice, as not everyone even uses teamspeak
like because is on there and is the most amazing person
Oh fun! I swim 100 fly and sometimes the 100 breast. I mainly swim fly in relays and backstroke individual