not Gandalf
Revan is a freaking bad a**. I considered trying to hand make his mask at one point.
Daywater Nice to see you around
Thanks for the support everyone :)
you like the good music i like you
on your mind
some of them were like rlly hard
i read this article where it was like guess if the quote is from Gandalf or from a Mumford and Sons song
Thank you 3 for the support
oh ok lol :P
not sure what that has to do with teamspeak and the forums? thanks :)
ur a weird
going for it :) Idk, this is pretty clickbait Also, is that Revan? He's my favorite guy from the Old Republic
you didn't do me last time so adsasdgsfas
going for page 12 bump
everything I talk to these people about is skyrim and sir its nine @Syndicade Talos the unerring! Talos the unassailable! To you we give...
My mistake, as someone who doesn't own a server or anything of the sort, I wasn't sure exactly how it worked.
I wouldn't get your hopes up over this anymore. Since cyp didn't create the plugin, it's not his to try and move around. He'd have to approach...
On skyblock It goes Trial mod then Full Mod then Super Mod