Hey c;
Nah, he learnt 1000 ways not to make it
Welcome c:
Lets simple say Fight Nights At Freddy's is not my kind of game :p
I hope it will get better, it just takes time i guess ;p
Yep most of games do, but (please don't take this in a bad way) but most of games that are the same are fun to play, fnaf 1 was fun to play...
What i didn't like was that all had the same idea, plus they 3 of them are from the same year. ;p
i hope not, fnaf has become horrible. The 1 was okay; 2 Was like...hmm, is the same than the before. But now 3 and 4? And a 5?!? Ill kill my self...
Nah date, life is a sequence of experiments, the more you do, the more ways you know how to fail or how not to ;p
I did because i feel worse than an abandoned dog, i felt like literally rubbish. And i still feel like that but i try not to think about it,...
*Insert message here*
Capitalism is war; Communism is peace. (?
You served well to your country. R.I.P.
Poor alien, dont blame her, she only have an idea
Nah Survival powers are equal, i dont think Survival needs a reset; I joined yesterday and im happy, theres no power abuse like in most pvp...
Ill pm you marko :3
Why you ignore, avoid, discount, forget, reject, me? :'c
Hey c:
Hello, well i don't really know if the builder rank stills open. Ign: JoseMigueCarrera Can I trust you to follow the rules?: Of coarse; With my...
Btw this is someones introduction, lets discute that over msg xd