I believe there should be splash potions in KitPvP because it gets the hips and. The hops when you're about to die. Such as when you're about to...
Mineverse is the best server ever
I replied to your post if u can check it out Before I go to. Bed it will be a huge help
Nightfire im pinkbatman and i wrote the ban appeal.. also can i see the video of me hacking? Because im trying to prove i wasnt hacking.
Tin for real so I won't be getting unbanned correct?
Hulk3001 hi ALeX
forumz quit being mod and im still banned can you take over my banned appeal im archerheadpvp if you don't just say you don't but im coming to...
Remeber me you skpyed me im arherheadpvp and im still banned by forumz and since forumz quit can you please please take over my ban appeal
Never mind
Im banned on kitpvp and forumz quit can you take over ny ban appeal please? ..
Bye CanucksFan44 I Quit Mineverse thanks for all your help doe. But its for the best the mods don't know what hacks are. and they don't know what...
Quitting Mineverse Im Happy you were a good player to me if I wasn't banned you would of got everything but I am by Forumz Thanks for everything I...
Im quitting mineverse because i told the truth to forumz he ignored me and banned. Me again i quit.. you have been a nice mod and i hope we see...
can you check out my ban appeal bro.. and tell me if its good?