I think u would me a good mod because u have a lot of Positive ratings please apply for mod I want u 1 pretty please with JERRY'S ONTOP!
can u check my appeal again?!
can u replie to my appeal right now? because im going to bed soon (sorry for the spam I tried not to ask but I had to)!
dude I really think u got the most pOstive ratings recived!
It worked im just waiting for a reply sorry for SPAMMING you're profile I JUST REALLY WANNA GET UNBANNED!
Dude it says no alerts you're sure u sended it?
Nightfire did my ban appeal get closed because it won't let me get to it.
My ban appeal no 1 replied to it lately I was thinking maybe u can settle it now? since im on?
dude he just wrote an inbox saying delete the report devin's gonna play on Riding!!!!!
im not trying to spam your profile are anything but I really wanna get unbanned from kitpvp
because I used to skpye him all the time but then he got banned on his main account and he threaten me to get him unbanned are he is unteaming me..
Soo hows life dude?
it was taken 4 days before I got banned from u....
also can u check out my ban appeal <3 and I didn't post this person saying that into I relized I had it
blueCharmberm getting u banned RIGht Now ;D
is that what u really look like because if it is you're hot!
im at my grandma's atm and im about to leave i repiled to what u said in the ban appeal can u check it out while i leave my grandma's house?...
If u can check my recent replie on my ban appeal it will be a huge help.