Well if they were interested they could have easily just used that information. Although I agree that a screenie would make it better.
Considering he gave away a lot of titan pics with Robbybic, I think he has the money.
A wise man once said, "Your best friend is yourself." I'm totally not that wise man. :v
Well this is a great idea and I think it should be implemented but if this were to be implemented don't you think players would just spam even...
As you can see from the title this idea can be really useful for stopping spam on the forums, like fake and troll accounts, ratings spam, etc. Why...
Welcome? :/
If players want to spend their money on a virtual video game for their personal entertainment, then that is what is appealing to them. And also I...
I highly doubt you will be moderator with such a low post count and no activeness. I will have to give you a -1 because I feel that you should...
Hey my name is GoldenBeast and my In-Game Name is GoldenBeastHD. I came to this forums because of my irl friends @quickflame and @Kirito . Even...