Don't need sleep to survive, scientifically proven ;P Just need it because your brain convinces you you're tired and exhaustion ;P
Who needs sleep anyways!
Meep meep
Merry Christmas!!!!! =3 (to those who celebrate)
My dad banned me from minecraft and my laptop ;-; how do I live?
Welcome to forums :D
Penguins continue to follow you in support => *supports again*
Neutral You are quite active, but I don't see you on forums much (even if I'm limited) Good luck though :)
~Hopefully However if my dad gets his way, I won't ever be online again. Hopefully it does not go to such extremes though I really miss Mine craft O-O
Support I know how much you want this and I have seen your impressive build on creative You are helpful to players as well and I hope you get mod...
Read the signs on my plot Plus, my dad has taken away much electronic privelages, I am only on today because I am volunteering and not around them
Support I know you are active in game and would become more active if mod Good luck! #Pre4Mod
Much tired No eat Such collapse now
Meep meep twinzie I love you more then Kyle loves you >:DD <3 Welcomeeee
Feeling the love with the friendships there </3 jk ;) Welcome :3
*ghost mz* still ded....
Support :)
Look a forums account after trying for only oh I don't know, 5 months now? Anyways Hai =) I'm a freshman and love minecraft (crafters are the...
Hai =3 #mineverseisawesome