No support-Reasons stated above.
Support xD gggggggggg
Anyone like dis sweq? Cause' its true
Anyone else got any sweq quotes?
i got 1.2 mil for 100k
Welcome ask me if u got any questions!
NO support- Get active ingame and on forums Please don't cuss or rage- seen that happen. Good luck!
plz don't be a jerk I've seen u ingame
"As of now, Coronet is never getting unbanned" ~ @Dyna_Mighty (ITS da BEST)
i don't believe it ANOTHA ONE
nope lol
he doesn't use it. he watches me use my account xD
Someone was impersonating u on infection with your old name :-/
And I lvl 15!
That's you?
so he isn't getting unbanned? why?